Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Real Friends vs. Fake Friends

Real Friends vs. Fake Friends

Appreciate your real friends. They're rarer than you think. What is a real friend? A real friend is someone who is genuine; someone who is sincere. A real friend is someone who doesn't approach the relationship with an objective or a motive, but rather with an open heart. A real friend is someone you can trust, someone who loves you, someone who respects you. Never take these friends for granted, because they will support you when no one else does.

A real friend will never have a secret agenda, for they are genuine. A real friend will by your side, in good times and in bad, empathizing when you're at a low, and celebrating when you're at a high. A real friend won't get jealous of your happiness or success, and won't secretly smile at your misery or failure. A real friend will always be honest with you, and tell you what you need to hear even if it's something you don't want to hear. And if you're a real friend, you'll appreciate and respect the honesty and the ugly truth, rather than becoming hateful or spiteful. A real friend will push you and motivate you to be the best you that you can be when you feel hopeless. They'll remind you of who you really are and believe in you when you don't believe in yourself. 

When you are with a real friend, they will be there with you, in the now, and you will feel their presence. Regardless of what they're going through, a good time or a rough time, they will not hold any envy or negativity towards you. A real friend could be at rock bottom, but still be happy for you when you're on cloud nine. This is because a real friend holds a lot of love for you, and when you love someone, it brings you joy to see them at their best. A real friend can put themselves in your shoes, and see the world through your eyes to better understand what you're going through. And if you need advice, they'll give you their opinion not to advance a selfish motive, but rather based on your best interests. Because that's what a real friend does. 

When you're a real friend, you become selfless to the people that matter to you. You won't be bitter, or spiteful, or full of jealousy towards your real friends. You support them, and love them unconditionally. A real friend will appreciate you for you. They won't pass judgement, they won't try to negatively influence you, after all they are genuine. A real friend doesn't make contact with you only when it is convenient, or when they need something, but rather just to be present in your life and maintain a healthy relationship. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether our friend is real or not, especially when ulterior motives are often well disguised. Not every one of your friends are real friends. In fact, most of us have fewer real friends than we think. These are the once-in-a-lifetime type of friends; friends who you consider to be family; friends who will stick by your side through thick and thin. People who will tell you the truth, when the whole world is telling you a lie. People you can share your happiness with, because they genuinely can be happy for you. The real friends don't declare or convince their intentions, their actions speak much louder. With time, colors show, fakes fade, & real ones stick like glue. One real friend is worth a million fake friends. 

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