Friday, April 4, 2014
We are all connected; we are all one. Every atom in every piece of matter known to existence all derive from the same place; all that is; the source. You have existed way before you were born. The atoms that make up your physical attributes have been around since the beginning of time. And they are the same as the atoms all around us. Yet we seem to forget this. Society tells us to label everything; every little detail that makes up who we are individually, in return creating our stereotypes, racism, hatred, judgement, etc.. There is a society of behind-the-scene leaders who run mainstream society and implement hidden agendas to keep us distracted in many ways, one of them being through hating each other. If we hate each other, for hundreds of reasons, chances are we will not come together and unite as an army of love, respect, and freedom for all. These elite leaders manipulate us to make us believe that we are segregated and different based on unnecessary labels we hold so tightly, such as race/religion, color, sex, beliefs, likes/dislikes, job, fashion style, taste preferences, sports teams, sides of a city, etc.. But really, do any of these things matter? Why hold hatred or pass judgement on another human being just because they aren't exactly like you? Everyone is different because we are all individuals, but inside, we are all the same. Every human is the same, made up of the same materials, and every form of matter is also the same. Everything in existence were all once part of a whole; oneness. We are all connected. There is a collective consciousness that connects each and every one of us like a network. There's a database of unlimited knowledge; everything ever known in existence is collected and stored in an information bank accessible to everyone. And if we truly connect with our higher self, destroy the ego and live within our highest frequency; love all things, living and non, open our minds to any and all possibilities and opportunities, clear all channels from negativity and open our chakras, we can tap into this infinite stream of knowledge to find all the answers to questions we need answered at that time. Trust in the universe. All that occurs within time and space is in divine order. Time is merely cause and effect, and should be viewed in this way, rather than the traditional timeline we are used to. Every event, every moment, every experience in time causes a reaction, and that reaction becomes a new cause of another effect, and so on. We are faced with thousands of choices every day, from minor to major, and just as "the butterfly effect," the smallest of decisions could affect outside reactions we may not even be aware of or necessarily feel connected to. But we are connected. We are all the same in the micro world, atoms and energy. And in the words of Sir Isaac Newton, "energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another." When our physical form has run its course and the time has come for our bodies to be recycled inside the earth, our energy is transferred... The question is where? I'd love to believe there's this magical place in the sky that you go to when you devote your life to this man you've never met and his family and his stories and his rules, and if you don't you will burn in hell. But my intuition and my higher self, aka god, tells me that is not where I should dedicate my time when showing appreciation and respect to creation and the universe. I have many issues with organized religion, and I know people have very strict views and opinions so I don't want to offend anyone. I won't go too deep into it, but I'll give one example of an issue I have with religion. It's not the main reason but it's a reason to think about. Google the 5 Monkey Experiment and consider how this behavior could relate to today's religious systems. I don't doubt of a man named Jesus existing, but I believe he was an enlightened being, haven awoken and connected with higher self. I believe the stories are more fairy tales that were told in hardships; times of disease and famine to give hope and faith to people. I believe 'the book' was created as a form of governance, a set of morals to teach people how to behave, and to give rewards for following that behavior, and consequences if not. All religion breaks down to follow the same set of rules and beliefs, and really it comes down to love and respect to all things, living and non. I think the real problems and corruption arose when the church started using fear to enforce faith. When greed, power, and ego took over and they began manipulating the population with the fear of the afterlife and the smite of god, to do as they say, pay for their possessions, fight their wars, devote time, etc.. When fear overpowered love, the system of religion took a turn for the worse. But the gods of all religions had tapped into the infinite database of all that is, and wanted to spread the word of the way of the universe. And that is to love and respect all that is. And that's exactly what I believe in. I believe in consciousness; I believe in love. Love is the answer. Love every and all things. I believe in synchronicity; in alignment with the universe. I believe in the Law of Attraction, Karma, Reflection; the laws of the universe. I have faith in the universe and trust its messages and signs. The universe (and all things for that matter) is always in communication with its parts, just like a network. But one must trust the process of the universe to reap the benefits of all it offers. The answers are within; we can access all we need to know by being aware of all around us. I know, I've done it. Everything is energy. And back to 'the big question,' Where does the energy go? I believe possibly to another "world," beyond the physical world. We know of the existing dimensions, and we believe in higher dimensions, so lately I've been entertaining the idea of our energy transferring to a different world, one we possibly couldn't fathom with our current mentalities. And to go just a little bit deeper, I've also been entertaining the idea of a form of reincarnation. What is the purpose of life? And I don't mean on a micro scale, with all the crap in the media made to distract us, but on a macro scale. The size of the universe is literally unfathomable. To think there is no other forms of life, or planets that have the ability to sustain life, is well, a bit egotistical and self-centered. We are not the center of the universe. So what else is out there? Is it just one universe floating around in nothingness? What is that nothingness, what's outside of the universe? Are there multiple universes? And that's where the real fun begins. But back to reincarnation, I've been playing around with the idea that it is very possible for our energy, or souls, to be reincarnated again into the physical world as a do-over. As I said before, I believe love is the answer. It's about expressing love, giving it and receiving it, believing in love, love to all beings and things. It's about loving people unconditionally and selflessly caring about them. It's about random acts of kindness spreading bursts of positive chain reactions. And positivity spreads like a virus. Even a smile can cause a reaction and change people's day. I believe there is a lesson to learn, and that is being kind and showing love, regardless of what's 'in it for us.' I think if you truly learn how to live in unconditional love to all, you will leave the 3rd dimension to travel onto whatever is waiting for you next, maybe another dimension, maybe there's some lessons to be learned there as well. If you don't learn to love all, maybe you've become distracted with an ego-driven reality, chasing greed, materials, believing to be higher or better than others, etc., you don't necessarily get punished. There are, however, laws of the universe, such as law of karma, so the energy you put out will come back to you. But as far as "death," or rather the transfer of energy, if you haven't learned all the 3D needs to teach you about love and physical/material possessions, you shall be reincarnated to try it again, start fresh with no conscious recollection of your previous life. And go through the process of learning through experience. Death is perceived as a negative thing, but that's mainly due to the fact that fear is a very distracting negative emotion that again separates us from the truth. The truth is we are one. We all are connected, we are all one collective consciousness of all in existence. We are the creators, we all have access to our higher power. The answers are within. If we all awakened into the reality of truth, came together to form an endless human connection, I believe we can overcome any fallacies our society has adapted. There's a much better way to live, and that is through a network of love.
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